The concept of my IPS is to explore the World we live in, and discover aspects of life which we take for granted or are unaware of. The beginning of my project takes me to the deep sea...
8 Oct 2010
Dot by Aardam studios
From the makers of Wallice and Gromit, Aardman have proudly produced the worlds smallest animation. Using only a Nokia phone and Microscope made especially for the phone.
The making of the animation is below:
7 Oct 2010
Life from up above
6 Oct 2010
Growing bacteria at home
2. Allow to cool for one hour
3. Pour 1/6 of an inch into the antiseptic Petri dishes.
4. Seal with tape, store in the refrigerator upside down until use.
Studying the seed
By using charcoal I have been able to really emphasise its shape and texture.
I am not totally satisfied with this drawing as it doesn't educate the audience.
27 Jul 2010
Ernst Haeckel's Natural Forms
25 Jul 2010
The Guardian 09.07.10
"The terrain looked the same, mirror images of each other, but that is where the similarity ended. We were surprised at how different the animals were on either side of the ridge which is just tens of miles apart. It seemed like we were in a scene from Alice Through the Looking Glass." Professor Monty Priede from the University of Aberdeen
Here are four out of the ten beautiful photographs taken by David Shale:
A Benthic Holothurian (Peniagone Diaphana) from the mid Atlantic ridge, which was caught swimming above the sea floor.
Bathypelagic Ctenophore from the benthic boundary layer, was found attached to seafloor by adhesive tentacles.
The delicate Polynoid Polychaete worm was caught at appoximately 2,500m below sea level.
24 Jul 2010
Saturday's inspiration...
23 Jul 2010
Fridays inspiration
oh and this ugly creature....
22 Jul 2010
Todays inspiration...
21 Jul 2010
Large Hadron Collider
This is interesting because we have found that our complex and baffling world today is made up of just a few simple building blocks. In fact you only need three things to make up you, me, the earth and every star in the sky.
These building blocks are hidden from view today, locked up inside matter, but in the very early universe they roamed free. Two of these little building blocks are called quarks, and the other is the electron.
Tomorrow, at an enormous international conference in Paris, the first results from the LHC will be presented to the scientific community...
More info:
A Tribute to Ernst Haeckel
"Today, we have nearly eliminated natural forms from our lives. We live in shoebox shaped houses and drive cars shaped like shoeboxes with rounded edges. We pave the landscape with geometric grids of asphalt and design characters for animation out of triangles, rectangles and circles. We have isolated ourselves from natural shapes; and in so doing, we have isolated ourselves from ourselves." (Animation archive 2010)