21 Jul 2010

Large Hadron Collider

...scientists are interested in the behaviour of our universe in the first instants after it was born, 13.7 billion years ago.
This is interesting because we have found that our complex and baffling world today is made up of just a few simple building blocks. In fact you only need three things to make up you, me, the earth and every star in the sky.

These building blocks are hidden from view today, locked up inside matter, but in the very early universe they roamed free. Two of these little building blocks are called quarks, and the other is the electron.

The collider is the giant 27km circular machine buried in a tunnel under the Swiss city of Geneva and has been out of the headlines recently. That's because it is quietly working away recreating the conditions that were present in our universe less than a billionth of a second after it began.

Tomorrow, at an enormous international conference in Paris, the first results from the LHC will be presented to the scientific community...

More info: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/3062238/Sun-Professor-Brian-Cox-on-the-highest-energy-explosion-ever-seen.html

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